ZGCTA Activities

2024 Global High-level Think Tank Forum for Science and Technology Innovation of ZGC Forum was held successfully

Date:2024-05-27 09:12

Liang Yingda Speech

Zhu Jianhong Speech

Khan Muhammad Wazir Speech

Diplomat Speech

Signing Ceremony of ZGCTA  New Council Members  

Signing Ceremony of Center for International and Regional Cooperation

Honorary Advisor’s Appointment of ZGCTA

Releasing Outcomes of ZGCTA

Keynote Speech

On April 28, the 2024 Global High-level Think Tank Forum for Science and Technology Innovation (hereinafter referred to as the "Think Tank Forum") was held with a grand opening in Zhongguancun International Innovation Center. With the theme of "Future Industry and Innovation Ecology: Voice of Global Think Tanks", the Think Tank Forum invited more than 500 people from 95 countries and regions to participate in the forum, including 3 domestic and foreign academicians, 2 envoys to China, 6 representatives of international organizations, and more than 70 high-level think tanks at home and abroad. More than 1.2 million people watched the live broadcast of the forum.

The forum was divided into seven sessions: the opening speech, the diplomats’ speech, the signing ceremony of ZGC Global High-level Think Tank Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the "Think Tank Alliance"), the honorary consultant’s appointment ceremony by the Think Tank Alliance, outcome release of the Think Tank Alliance, keynote report, and concluding speech.

In the opening speech, Liang Yingda, Director of the Strategic Planning Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Zhu Jianhong, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park and Level I inspector, President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, attended the forum and delivered speeches. Khan Muhammad Wazir, Science and Technology Counsellor of the Pakistani Embassy in China, and Balogh Andras Zoltan, First Secretary of the Embassy of Hungary in China and Diplomat in charge of science and technology affairs, were present to congratulate the convening of the forum.

The session of opening speech was presided over by Fang Li, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the "Academy"). Fang Li extended a warm welcome to all leaders, guests and online and offline friends for their participation, and heartily congratulated the new council members of the alliance, the signing of international and regional cooperation, and the appointment of honorary consultants! Fang Li pointed out that he hopes to build a high-level international exchange platform, gather global wisdom, share the latest achievements of think tanks at home and abroad, spread the voice of global think tanks for science and technology, and he hopes to promote international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, explore the construction of the innovation and development ecosystem of future industries, and contribute wisdom and strength to Beijing's construction of an ecosystem of future industries with worldwide competitiveness.

The session of contract signing is the signing ceremony held for the new council members joining the Think Tank Alliance and for international and regional cooperation. At the signing ceremony of the new alliance council members’ joining, representatives of 13 council members from three countries including China, the United Kingdom and Serbia attended the ceremony. As a non-governmental multilateral cooperation and exchange platform, the Think Tank Alliance has developed into a platform comprising 72 council members from 12 countries. It consists of six types of think tanks: comprehensive think tanks, think tanks for science and technology, economics, industries, publishing and media, as well as those of enterprises. At the signing ceremony of international and regional cooperation, the Think Tank Alliance signed strategic cooperation agreements with the European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, the CEEC Innovation Center of Saichuang Weilai Venture Capital Investment Management Company, Mianyang Industrial Park in Sichuan, Beijing Zhongguancun Information Valley Asset Management Co., Ltd., GlobalTechIP, and the Science and Technology Bureau of Tianjin Binhai Hi-Tech Industrial Development Area.

The following representatives attended the signing ceremony: Wu Jianmin, President of Beijing Academy of Science and Technology and the Council Chairman of the Think Tank Alliance, Aleksandar JOVANOVIĆ, CEO of European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Zhang Mingming, General Manager of the CEEC Innovation Center of Saichuang Weilai Venture Capital Management Company, Li Junkai, Director of the Center for International and Regional Cooperation of the BJAST and Secretary-General of the Think Tank Alliance, Huang Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Fucheng District Government of Mianyang, Sichuan Province, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Work Committee and Director of the Administrative Committee of Sichuan Mianyang Industrial Park, Hu Dehui, General Manager of Beijing Zhongguancun Information Valley Asset Management Co., Ltd., Andrew Smith, International Consultant of GlobalTechIP, and Xing Qidong, Director of Science and Technology Bureau of Tianjin Binhai High-tech Industrial Development Area. Through gathering high-level intellectual resources from across the world, playing the role of a bridge of openness and cooperation, and actively creating an innovation ecosystem, the Think Tank Alliance has been attracting more and more think tanks to join. At the same time, it plays an active leading role throughout surrounding areas, and cooperates with relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, cities and industrial parks in China. It also takes initiative in bringing in high-quality resources of science and technology, experts and projects, so as to serve the transformation and upgrading of local industries and high-quality development.

In the session of the honorary advisor’s appointment of the Think Tank Alliance, Aleksandar JOVANOVIĆ, CEO of European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, was invited and appointed as the honorary advisor, and the letter of appointment was issued by Wu Jianmin to him.

In the session of releasing outcomes, 32 outstanding achievements of high-level think tanks at home and abroad were released at the forum. The think tanks include Springer Nature, the National Academy of Innovation Strategy of China, Institutes of Science and Development of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Centre for International Science and Technology Exchange, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, Guizhou Academy of Social Science, the scientific research department of the Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C (National Academy of governance), National Science Library of China Academy of Sciences, Hebei Academy of Sciences, Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, and Center for Science & Technology Development and Governance of Tsinghua University, etc. Before the meeting, the Secretariat of the Think Tank Alliance solicited outstanding achievements from the council members of the Think Tank Alliance, and received a total of 44 achievements from 34 think tanks. According to the principle that one achievement will be shortlisted at maximum for each think tank member, the shortlisted achievements will be finalized based on social impact analysis and through expert review. The release of the outcomes of the Think Tank Alliance was presided over by Yang Hui, Vice President of the Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In the session of keynote speech, the following scholars and experts gave speeches: Zhang Tao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chairman of the Beijing Science & Technology Strategic Decision-making Consultant Center, Aleksandar JOVANOVIĆ, CEO of the European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Wu Hequan, academician and former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wang Zhonglin, Director of the Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems of Chinese Academy of Sciences, foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and member of the Beijing Science & Technology Strategic Decision-making Consultant Center, Vrajaindra Upadhyay, Chair Professor of the Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, former Professor and Head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and former member of the steering committee of the World Association for Political Economy, Niels Peter Thomas, President of global book business of Springer Nature Group and Wu Jianmin. Focusing on the current trend of rapid evolution of global scientific and technological innovation, the seven guests had in-depth discussion on the challenges and opportunities brought by the new development trend of future industries, as well as on the establishment and development of a new paradigm of scientific and technological innovation ecosystem. The session of keynote speech was presided over by Guo Rong, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development.

With the theme of "Innovation Ecosystem in Zhongguancun from the Perspective of Open Science", Wu Jianmin expounded the characteristics of the connotation of open science and its impact on the innovation ecosystem, analyzed the innovation ecosystem of Zhongguancun, and put forward the direction of the optimization and improvement of Zhongguancun's innovation ecosystem from the perspective of open science, namely: "Sharing", which refers to accelerating the sharing and free flow of knowledge and data; "Inclusiveness", which refers to inspiring open and inclusive innovative ideas; "High Efficiency", which refers to optimizing the efficiency of the innovation platform; "Attractiveness", which refers to increasing the attractiveness to high-level talents at home and abroad; " Collaboration ", which refers to strengthening the collaboration with regional innovation resources.

All the sessions of 2024 Global High-level Think Tank Forum for Science and Technology Innovation were completed successfully. Focusing on the theme of "Future Industries and Innovation Ecosystem: the Voice of Global Think Tanks", the guests at the meeting conducted in-depth and constructive discussions, expressed their insights, put forward policy suggestions; they exchanged ideas and views, which enlightened the minds and inspired the wisdom, and discussed open cooperation. In the future, the Think Tank Forum will continue to build a high-level international exchange platform, gather global wisdom, and adhere to openness, inclusiveness, and mutual learning, so as to create an innovation ecosystem, and make greater contributions to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind supported by science and technology.

The Global High-level Think Tank Forum for Science and Technology Innovation is one of the top ten brands of ZGC forums. It is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People´s Republic of China and the People's Government of Beijing Municipality. The Think Tank Foru is organized by Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Institutes of Science and Development of Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Innovation Strategy, the technology and economics institute of China National Energy Group, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management and Eurasia-Pacific Uninet. It is co-organized by ZGC Global High-Level Think Tank Alliance, Capital Normal University of China, the Center for International and Regional Cooperation of Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, Center for Science & Technology Development and Governance of Tsinghua University, Beijing Beike Holding Co., Ltd., Beijing Qihang Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhongguancun Information Valley Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Zhongguancun industrial research institute. The Think Tank Forum has been guided and supported by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park and Beijing Science & Technology Strategic Decision-making Consultant Center, and it is strongly supported by Kuaishou Technology, China Business Journal, workercn.cn and other media.